Name: Haworth Autobody Ltd
Legal form: A limited company registered in England and Wales
Service: Vehicle Repairs
Registered office and postal address: Unit 7 Snowdrop Lane Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire SA61 1ET
Telephone: 01437 779911
Public registers: Details about the limited company’s registration can be viewed at under reference number 10648871.
General terms and conditions: A letter of engagement accompanied by our standard terms and conditions will be provided at the start of any contract for works.
Applicable law: Unless otherwise agreed, English law, with the English Courts having exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning the service and any matter arising from it.
Work Guarantees: All works guaranteed for 2 years from date of completion, this covers parts and labour. Your statutory rights are not affected by our guarantee*.
Complaints: Complaints can be made by contacting Bobby Haworth at Unit 7 Snowdrop Lane Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire SA611ET.
* Guarantees/ warranties are not insurance backed